1995: An unknown phenomenon is observed.
This phenomenon showed that there was a direct relationship between gravity and electromagnetism. In terms of current theory, this is considered impossible. This invoked occasional inquiries and search for theoretical possibilities of explaining this phenomenon.
1999-2000: An essential idea comes out.
A new idea explaining gravitational phenomena and emergence of matter. This concept was named the Deficit Theory of Space. In terms of current categorizations, it is a unitary theory (not closed in mathematical terms, which a large freedom of possible solutions) based on a conservative approach, building on a simple fundamental principle. The acceptable number of spatial dimensions is limited to four; this is the only verifiable option. The theory is based on Einstein's geometrical view of space.
2007: Initiation of applied research project.
Theoretical concepts had developed to an extent allowing their verification by an actual high-capacity model, so-called ERB condenser.
October 21, 2008: SUPRATECH is founded
The newly established company takes over the project, initiating research activities on a semi-professional basis. .
2012: Initiation of basic research
The research addressed the verification of Maxwell's equations. We focused on the following essential - from our point of view, physically ungrounded conclusions and predictions:
1. Rectilinear motion of an electrically neutral wire in so-called homogeneous magnetic field should induce voltage in the ends of the wire. As the main proof, so-called Faraday's generator is considered for current electrodynamics.
2. The interaction of so-called homogeneous magnetic field with electrons in an electrically neutral wire moving through this field is, in terms of electrodynamics, equivalent to the interaction with separately moving electrons. As the main proof, so-called Faraday's motor is considered for current electrodynamics.
3. The actually mathematical law is, in Maxwell's equations, considered as a general physical law, claiming that the sectional (geometrical) change in the induction flux in so-called homogeneous magnetic field is the physical cause of induction of electromotive force (Faraday's law), representing a generalization, which combines a wide variety of phenomena into a single principle.
These conclusions and predictions are very difficult to verify by experiments without the use of Faraday's motor generator. It is the functionality of this homopolar generator or (inversely) motor, which is taken as a simple proof of validity at present. In practical electrodynamics, the experimental values cannot be reliably predicted unless dozens coefficients are used. The doubts mentioned in the previous paragraphs lead us to the design of the brushless Faraday's motor generator (or, as well call it, Pure Direct Motor Generator), which was to verify the theoretical assumptions in an equivalent manner. We failed, facing the question “what now”?
Our research was namely motivated by the presumption that mathematical logics, when applied to physical reality, can result in unrealistic fundamental errors and the at least one of Maxwell's equations (which were discovered around 1865 and have been taught as part of fundamental courses of physics study programmes) may represent a simplified and inexact interpretation of the reality.