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We also offer demonstrations.

Dependence of frequency values on measurement angle

Experimental workshop on the topic: Invoking a quantum effect in macro scale. The workshop includes a demonstration and explanation of inductive initiation of the quantum effect using an actual demonstration device. This will be followed by an attempt at a simple physical explanation of the quantum phenomena (in contrast to the current mathematical/administrative explanation). Price: EUR 2000/person in English; CZK 5500/person in Czech. The participant, who first comes with the explaining mechanism (dependence of the frequency on the measurement angle), will obtain an award worth CZK 3000. Programme of experimental workshop

The error in current electrodynamics

Do not expect any complex mathematical elaborations at this experimental lecture. You will be introduced to the present approach to the electromagnetic induction. The follow-up lecture will explain a new principle of emergence of electromagnetic induction. We will question the current principle of direct induction or inverse phenomena in detail, both experimentally and theoretically. Price: EUR 2000/person in English; CZK 5500/person in Czech. The payment is returnable to all participants; if at least one of the participants is able to explain the experiments demonstrated using current tools, they will obtain an award worth CZK 10 000. Programme of experimental lecture

Alternative to experimental lecture: here

More information here



Some academics know the answer how to control gravity.
Surprisingly enough, they are not able to answer the following question: How come that none of the patents granted, which involve pure homopolar motor or generator , are not functional ?
These academics delude the general public that to control gravity, we need research on LHC, or an even larger LHC. Actually, they may even want to launch sort of media campaign (or perhaps a collection) to implement another, even larger collider for crushing the matter.
Realizing the energy levels, at which LHC works, we clearly see that the concept of industrial application of any unstable particles is completely unrealistic. These particles, although they fit well into certain mathematical model, overcome anything else on Earth by their energy demands. It is similar to looking at a fabric with an interesting colour structure. With a little imagination, we can see patterns in the structure, which resemble e.g. human faces. Similar perceptions usually report the people who encountered a ball lightning. Of the wide spectrum of acoustic effects, they only select those they are able to discern. If they do not see the fireball, they may think that there is an uninvited guest in the neighbouring room, coming from the ghost realm or from the underworld. We only see what we are able to see and hear what are able to hear, or what we are able to analyze or expect to be analyzed.

From our point of view, by crushing the matter with predefined and assumed predictions, we cannot get to any usable results. The only results we get will lead to even more effective weapons of mass destruction. If you give a child a cannon to play, they just learn to shoot. The black holes that the stakeholders wish to create in LHC will not absorb matter or antimatter or eliminate gravity. They will only absorb money, reliably and irrevocably.

To control gravity in a non-reactive manner, we must
inevitably examine more energy-efficient systems.The only way to achieve to achieve this is using considerably lower energy levels. This involves particles, which are stable and can exist in clusters. It is more meaningful to examine matter in forms that need not be constantly energized. This is the only way to understand and capture the easily overlooked properties of the nature. We do not speak about “laws of nature” and this is on purpose. The laws are only invented by people who would like to seize the surrounding world and gain control of it. The nature is unsteady and adaptable and cannot be captured by simple laws. What is presented as a law will eventually prove to be as a mere prismatic vision. Above all, we do not have to subsidize such “social” particles with larger and larger amounts of energy. If we understand deeper their behaviour in clusters at commonly available temperatures, we can be sure that there is a financially and technically achievable goal of utilizing such knowledge. If only a fraction of the funds, which have been irreversibly lost in LHC, was invested in the latest findings published by us (among others) on this website, then the emwarp-based powerplanes would provide, in five years’ time, thrust levels close to the values provided by small satellite carriers. Our tiny budget only allows us the production of physically-demonstrating models, which are slowly coming to the stage, which could initiate a revision of Faraday's and Maxwell's notions of electrodynamics from the late feudalism era, when scientists believed that ether was a ubiquitous and universal medium intended for distribution of electromagnetic radiation. The same applies to the generalizing notion of hypothetical homogeneous magnetism, flowing virtually from the infinity to another infinity.

The foregoing sentences tell about very smart and gifted people, who have or had brilliant logical skills based on mathematical and definitory mental patterns but only a vague sense of the technical and physical reality.